Sunday, May 04, 2014

OptiFast week 2 - day 5

man, i was hungry tonight. 

not stomach hungry, i can usually take care of that with the products. this was mind hunger. a form of mild panic. i need to eat. need to eat. need to eat. something baaaaaad. a giant burger for example. i was dreaming of it for about an hour. probably didn't help i was watching food reviews on youtube. doh.

went to Safeway to pick up a few things and drove slowly and thoughtfully past SmashBurger. Jason and I ate there once last year when it opened. It wasn't good. sodium was about the only flavor you could distinguish. and here i was wanting it tonight. in a bad way. then i did a Nancy Reagan. and just said no.

After I got home I was still squirmy and mind hungry. I grabbed my pedometer and walked over to the park. and kept walking. during the 4th go around the field, Jason came to walk with me. 7 laps, one hour, 1.8 miles - 5,700 steps. came home and showered. the mind is now quiet. 

good choices are not always easy choices.

bought our tickets for Mexico today! 

Looking forward to seeing some results Tuesday - it's almost here!

UPDATE: I woke up the next morning with ... my period! i was happy to see it (LOL) because I had been worried about that intense episode of unexplained hunger. The thing is, I haven't been hungry like that since starting the product, so I was worried that I might be slipping or even that I may not make the entirety of the 15 weeks on product, if I was having issues so early on. so, yay! there was a reason. and i'm so glad i didn't cave to the PMS monster.

also, Dr. A said everything is a-ok. and that I can go down to 8 products now instead of 9. i'm glad. for the last couple of days i wasn't drinking the last one anyway. although I do find it helpful to have a little something in my stomach near bedtime. hard to sleep with a grumbly tummy.

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