Saturday, May 03, 2014

OptiFast week 2 - day 4

I may be the only person in history to go on a meal replacement plan that is 80% liquid and crack a tooth. damn.

At Tuesday's meeting, someone suggested putting the Peppermint Cocoa protein bars in the freezer and it's been hot as Hades lately so I did. it made them hard as rocks. i should have let it thaw a bit. i didn't have to bite.  i wasn't even hungry. :(

and OF COURSE my dentist's office is closed til Monday on account of a dental convention. thank god it doesn't seem to involve the root/pulp. even more grateful that it does not hurt. i am hoping there is enough tooth left (around the big filling there) that they can fashion a nub for a crown to fit on.

heading over to Kaiser to get my blood drawn for Tuesday's meet with Dr. A. Plan to walk around Jackson Park later this afternoon and test out the pedometer we were given at Tuesday's appt.

thassit for now.

oh, my pants (the only ones that fit me currently) are feeling oh so slightly less clingy in the calf area.

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