Tuesday, May 13, 2014

OptiFast - end of week 3

Got the tooth pulled and the hardware place for the implant today. I managed to make it to Kaiser for the weigh in and to pick up product but didn't stay for the meeting. Alternating between woozy, dopey, weepy and exquisite pain. I was advised not to eat anything after midnight last night, no problem, heh. Had my first shake about 2pm, post procedure. it went down fine. but my new pill regimen is Vicodin and Amoxicillin and my stomach is worn out, tired, protesting. The thought of trying to chew a protein bar gives me the heebie jeebies. but i had to eat something - ended up being a half cup of refried beans. that did the trick. also, because of all the narcotics, i'm noticing i went from urgency and constant diarrhea (the doctor wondered if i'm lactose intolerant 'cause i haven't had a solid poo since starting OptiFast) to backed up (constipated). 

wonder if that's part of the reason i didn't lose much this week - i'm full of shit! so i chased my pain pills and antibiotic with some Metamucil and 4 Colace. i can't believe how many pills I've eaten in the past 4 days or so. i've been slacking on my water, too. I usually do at least 3 liters a day, no problem. but i like it with ice - especially during these warm days we've been having, but ice is not tolerable with these tooth issues, so i've just been having less. 

Today the scale showed a loss of 0.4

down to 295.3

not thrilled about it, but it's still a loss.

moving on....

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