Saturday, April 26, 2014

OptiFast - Day 4

Spent the day cleaning, purging stuff we don't need and rearranging the layout of the apartment. black coffee is good. and helps stave off hunger. which has actually pretty much subsided, thanks to good ol' ketosis. I hope this is working. 3 more days 'til first weigh in, meeting #2 - they will be taking "before" pics. ack. guess it's necessary and will likely help me see changes, even if the scale isn't moving at some points like i hope it will. 

it's kinda cool to look at what's left of the products and know that once they are gone, the first week will be over. i think i have two more strawberry shakes to get down. i stick the straw as far back as i can and chug. and as i keep reminding myself, once the food is down, it doesn't matter if you've eating quinoa or a quarter pounder, you are satiated. the actual taste and chewing part of the experience is really so brief in the grand scheme of the whole digestion thing. why do we place so much importance on it and derive so much enjoyment from it?

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