Thursday, April 24, 2014

OptiFast - Day 2

I have now tried all the flavors of all the products that I ordered.

Faves and least faves:

Powder mixes vs. Ready to Drink - not much noticeable difference in the liquid consistency or the flavors, I feel they are equal in quality and texture. S'spose I like the powder mixes a tad more because I mix them with water and blend in ice, thereby getting them colder than I can the ready to drinks. Colder/slushy = thicker and more like a shake. I'll probably continue to do a half order of each, simply for convenience of RTDs.


Vanilla - reminds me of a Nilla Wafer. I haven't done it yet, but plan to buy and add some sugar free flavor syrups/drops. The potential flavor combinations will be best with the vanilla base, I think. Most favorite.

Chocolate - is a close 2nd.

Strawberry - i was leery of this flavor, for good reason it turns out. like a knock off artificially sweetened Crunchberry cereal. bad. bad. i'll hafta work to get the remaining 3 down my gullet. and order no more. no matter how desperate I get for variety, this taste ain't worth it.


what can i say? portable, chewable, some flavors are almost enjoyable. Chocolate Mint is good, Fudge Graham is, too, but a little cardboardy as well. I like Cinnamon. and Peanut/Chocolate is just okay.


The best meal of the day. It's warm and not sweet is the main thing. Flavors are Chicken and Garden Tomato. The chicken was really good with Tobasco and lemon juice, I enjoyed it. The tomato needs a little more help than that. I'm thinking basil would do it. must pick some up.

that's it. apart from various flavors of sugarless gum and 3-5 liters of water a day. that's the program.
right now i'm eating 9 products a day which works out to about every 90 mins.  Which is a little bit taskyish. ? in fact, it's time to eat now. bye.

strawberry sickness. i look like Mr. Magoo.

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