Monday, June 02, 2014

OptiFast week 6 - day 6

Had a good day today again, with Mom at the Mt. D pulmonary rehab gym. Lots of treadmill with good incline, some rowing and then group led exercises and small hand held weights. it's quite the scene, majority geriatrics and about half are wearing oxygen. it's quite the sight and perspective, hard to not go for it with gusto and make it happen when you're exercising next to someone hooked up to oxygen who's keeping pace (or better) with you. it's very inspiring. and humbling. they are also really nice people, and really enjoy seeing and greeting each other. i get a kick out of how they all call each other kiddo. maybe they can't remember each other's names. ;)

Last week I said I was hoping for bigger numbers this week. 

I'm kinda laughing at that now, 'cause I've been thinking lately (as I've been exercising my butt off) that's this thing is not a matter of hope. it's a matter of hard work. and focus. and making it happen.

and i been doin' it. we'll see what tomorrow's weigh in brings. but no matter the number, i'm feeling great! and what i've done this week in terms of movement and exercise is not special or lofty. I mean, it's totally repeatable. It was more than I did last week and the week before and the week before that... but it's not something that I can't or won't do again next week. ;) so that feels good. it's totally doable, it's just my choice. and lately I've been making some really good choices. 

favorite motivating thing i read this week:

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