Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16

2 pieces sourdough (160)
2 extra large eggs (150)
1/2 tblsp butter (50)

2 veggie corndogs (320)
1 oz. of Snapea crisps (120)
corn on the cob (110)
1/2 tblsp butter (50)
ketchup (20)
banana (90)

1/2 of a Chevy's Sante Fe chopped salad no dressing (330)
1/2 a frozen margarita + 1/4 of a Coronita (200?)
10 tortilla chips (40)
22 oz Lagunitas Maximus (460)

Kitty pic O' the day

Total... 2,100


kole w. said...

b - just coffee - 10

l - bean and rice burrito - 260

brunch - in a hurry, starving, went to taco bell - 840 :-(

will have dinner later...

kole w. said...

I'm intrigued by the Snapea crisps. What are these?

kole w. said...

But don't ever let me see you eating a veggie corndog ever again.

kole w. said...

ChikTikk - 300
Probably have a coupla after my ordeal today - 300

Total: 1710

Didn't eat very well, but at least I didn't go over.

sandy said...

Ordeal = finals?

I was weirded by the Snapeas... Until I put some in my mouth. They are peas, duh. Better than potato chips, all the crunchy goodness and flavor without the greeze and salt. I recommend for sure. They are 2/$3.00 at Safeway right now.

sandy said...

Also, veggie corndogs hit the SPOT. They'd be a staple for me if they weren't so pricey. It's all about the cornmeal goodness... And the ketchup, natch.

sandy said...

Snapeas addendum, apparently
More research is required. They are like McRibs in that they are pressed/shaped to look like peas but are not actually whole peas. Coulda (and did fool) me.

They taste good. I'd swear they were deep fried but they're baked.

I bought a bag of the Caesar flavored ones for Jason, he was meh about em, I much prefer the plain version, lightly salted.

sandy said...

I ate a lotta long yellowish/green things today.

kole w. said...

My ordeal = had to give a presentation for a final project in front of 50 or so people...i don't really like public speak, though I don't think I'm alone there...

But, snapeas...where does one get them?

sandy said...

They are 2/$3.00 at Safeway right now.

sandy said...

i just got two more bags

sandy said...

also, congrats on getting through your presentation. i don't envy you.

2 negras reward?

kole w. said...

I ended up having 3 Modelos and passing out (I'd been up since 5am getting that presentation ready) and not getting up in time to get Evan to school on time. Great job, me!

So revise my calorie total accordingly.

But I'm gonna have to go track down some Snapeas I think.