Monday, September 22, 2014

OptiFast - Transition Week 7 day 6

Fast forward through the week. It was a good one. Tracking daily all meals on My Fitness Pal, I decided to shoot for 1,300 calories instead of 1,200 and I managed to stay right on target and I wasn't as hungry. Perhaps just a mind trick, I mean it's *only* 100 calories but it may have helped to make a difference... I met my personal goal of not eating any Starbucks breakfast sandwiches this week. This morning, on the way to mom's I picked up the SmartOnes Weight Watcher's version in the frozen food aisle at Safeway and mom and I ate them for breakfast. pretty good. not Starbucks tasty. but satisfying and good fuel for today's workout. and half the calories.

I took the advice of one of the class leaders at mom's gym today. Last week she had asked me what hand weights I was using during group exercise - I've been using 3 pounders. She challenged me to have both the 3 lb. and the 5 lb. next to me during the group portion and said that for some (like bicep curls) use the 5's and for the harder stuff (mainly the ones involving shoulder work) use the 3's. it worked great! I'd never thought to do that and I was happy to be bumping up against the bounds of my normal routine. It felt good to be doing just a little more. I bumped up the elevation on treadmill routine today, too - topping out at 14 instead of 12 like I usually do. I remember when I started I couldn't go higher than 8 without huffing and puffing. 

I had a really good therapy session tonight, too. I swear when I have cathartic therapy session the scale shifts. I SWEAR my body responds to it by letting me let go of weight. not exactly scientific thinking, but i swear. in any case, the scale has been moving this week! I know I won't be out of the 60's tomorrow, but I'll be heading steadily toward those 50's. perhaps next week. that's my plan, anyway. 

pics from today's workout to mark my progress.


arm cycler

Leg cycler - 94 Calories my ass! (this machine doesn't let you put your weight in)

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