Wednesday, April 23, 2014

OptiFast - Day 1

"The journey of a thousand shakes starts with one sip" - me.

cheers, Big Ears!

aaaaaaaand, the one warm non-sweetish meal of the day is soup. chicken soup. it tastes like it has about 1/2 a bullion cube. but a little pepper and tobasco, a squirt of lemon juice and it ain't so bad.

spent a good part of the day tripping around the new and improved at Pier 15 Exploratorium with B. we had a good time, my feets is a little worn out, but the back pain is very minimal these days. thank jeeb. I'm expecting my new Finn Comfort walking shoes via UPS delivery any minute. hoping they will be as comfortable as I remember, got a lot of walking to do....

one day down, a lifetime to go!

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