Saturday, May 17, 2014

OptiFast week 4 - day 4 - TMI WARNING

Well, I am finally on the mend. I am tapering off the Vicodin and as of today, no longer need to eat bites of food with the doses. yay! Thursday night was rough, the opiates and lack of hydration and exercise finally caught up with me. Thankfully, I had thought to grab a Fleets at the pharmacy when they were ringing up my Vicodin refill that afternoon. I hadn't really thought it would be necessary, boy I was wrong. I ended up having to "install" a dose about 6pm that evening. Jason was on his way out the door to the Giants game while I was trying to give birth out my back end. LOL. the cramps from the Fleets fluid immediately started my belly cramping and i was dizzy and sweaty. I was seriously afraid for him to leave because I thought I was gonna die like Elvis. I suffered along for about half an hour and then some of it gave way - to my total relief and delight, it worked some.

I then headed out to Safeway (again!) for some Milk of Magnesia. man, I was miserable. Took that dose about 9pm and when midnight bedtime rolled around, I was busy! I went from one misery to the other and after about an hour (with about 7 trips to the toilet), i was empty and fell asleep exhausted and drained. (literally).

ok, enough poo talk.

The implant area seems to be healing well, the swelling has gone down a lot, still taking the antibiotics. The corner of my mouth is probably causing the most pain right now, there's a sore there when either it was overstretched or an instrument injured it. in any case, it's healing, too.

this week flew past and I'm certainly glad it's behind me. New Kitty girl (Mini) has a dime sized bald patch between her shoulder blades and this morning the skin there was open and red. not oozing or swollen like a cyst but looks uncomfortable. I'm afraid she has a skin condition as she keeps twitching her coat sorta like a horse does when shaking off flies. that and she jerks her head to groom, like she's responding to an itch or sudden pain. of course it's the weekend. I emailed Give Me Shelter this morning (with a picture) and the director responded right away. She suggested I apply Neosporin and if it doesn't improve, they'll arrange a vet visit. Sad for her. :( of course she managed to lick off the ointment both times we've applied it, hopefully some is remaining and doing some good. I hate that she's uncomfortable. On the plus side, she and Jim are no longer hissing at each other and even mildly curious and coming within a couple feet of each other. Great progress. of course, now, we will be keeping her isolated to the bedroom until she can see a vet, in case what she has is contagious.

suppose that's it for now. the weather went from a crazy mid week heat wave (temps above 90) to today being our typical SF chill and windy. just finished this week's homework and about to finish the last snowflake for the Mom's Christmas lap quilt. I laid a few of them out side by side to see what it'll look like - considered making it into a Christmas tree skirt, because I think she'd be more likely to use that and not a lap quilt. (she'd say it's too nice and put it away somewhere safe). we'll see.

why do i feel the need to document this? i don't know. ow.

poor Mini Minnie girl

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