Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wednesday, July 17

Peanut butter Mojo bar (190)
Black coffee

Lunch #1
homemade minestrone and parm (200)
cock zero

Lunch#2/Dinners #1, 2 and 3
homemade minestrone and parm x4 bowls (800)

2 pieces of bread and butter (400)

chocolate chips (70)

celery n peenit budder (100)

total 1,760


kole w. said...

1/2 TJs chik burr - 250
turkey samm - 240
taco salad - 100


sandy said...

the shit is goooood.

the only real calories come from the ground turkey and the macaroni elbows. and the parm, bread and butter ahkuytramans.

sandy said...

dude, zat it?

kole w. said...

Oops, forgot.

I had some shrimp flied lice and some more taco salad.

My calorie total was 1690, though.