Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wednesday, June 19

1 egg (70)
1 1/2 pieces of bacon (135)
Butter (100)
Bread (250)
Tomato (40)

2 peezies of chikin (220)

  • So far 815


kole w. said...

l - turkey sandywich (275)

d - pasta with sauce and stuff + salad(550)

also - 3 red tails (490)

will likely have cereal (250)

t - 1565

kole w. said...

gonna put up thursday?

kole w. said...

Fine then...Thursday:

b - coffee

l - me and ev went to sweet tomatoes...I had a pretty big salad but only a a couple of tablespoons of bleu cheese dressing on the side, some pasta carbonara + three pieces of quatro formaggio and about a cup of soft serve...my best estimation from stuff on their website is 900 calories

d - pepper beef + salad (600)

nite - cereal (250)

total - 1750